Tuesday 13 November 2012

The Transformation is Complete

November 13, 2012

Hello Sports fans!  Go Huskers and EMAW!  The Chiefs still stink so I don't care about them. 

We are in the middle of celebrating Diwali - the Festival of Lights!  On this holiday we burn diyas (candles or lights) and our houses get a complete cleaning so Lakshmi (the Goddess of Wisdom) will come to visit.   Apparently she doesn't like dirty houses.  Who knew but that explains why I haven't seen her around :)

Our complext (living community) had a Diwali party on Saturday night.  We had a parade of brides representing all the states of India, a talent show, which was put on by all the kids (some of them are amazing) and dinner.  It was great fun!  Joel even traded in  his steel toed shoes and nerd pack for some festive Diwali clothes!

Not to be outdone, I, too, donned local finery for the party.  Note:  These clothes make me look like I weigh 300 lbs. I DON'T WEIGH 300 LBS!!!!  It's just the clothes - I SWEAR!

Our apartment complex was lit up like the proverbial Christmas tree.  Our local mall, R City, was also decorated! 

Our Diwali celebrations culminated last night with dinner at our friends home.  The best part of Diwali, as far as I'm concerned, are the fireworks.  Imagine if on the 4th of July, every family in your state purchased a bunch of fireworks and then set them off all at once!  It was beautiful and very, very loud.  I'm sure cilia death occured.  It was just amazing - booms and colors and pops - all at once and for 3 straight hours.  And then, it was like there was an agreed upon stopping hour, all the noise stopped.  Pretty cool.  Walking home from our friend's house the air was pretty awful :)   Diwali is the last holiday of the season - everyone is pretty sad about that.  The next one isn't until March so we have a while to wait.

Our next adventure will be next week when Joel and I go to Goa for Thanksgiving.  We will leave on Thanksgiving evening and come back on Sunday night.  Look Goa up on Google and you will find a paradise!  I am very excited to sit on the beach and have someone bring me drinks..........oh wait.......that's not much different from what I do on a regular basis :)

I hope eveyone is well and happy.  Happy Thanksgiving to everyone!  Eat lots of turkey and stuffing ( I will miss that) and it won't be long before I can see lots of you at Christmas!

Love and Happy New Year (Indian),