Sunday 3 March 2013

By Popular Demand.......

March 3, 2013,

Yes, I am back by popular demand.  I had a good reason to stop blogging.....the honeymoon is over and I don't have a lot of perky and upbeat things to say about India at this point. I believe India is trying to kill me.  More on that later.

A lot has happened since my last blog in November.  We went to Goa for Thanksgiving, had a wonderful Christmas in the states with Meredith, Mike, and Michael and other family and wonderful friends, and have just said good-bye to Meg and Dan, who we met in Delhi for a "Triangle Tour" of Agra, Jaipur, and Delhi.  It's been busy!  The temp is rising more and more every day and monsoon season will soon be upon us.  I will try to put some pics of our trip on here at some point!

India is...............a very difficult place to live.  It's more than just the climate differences, it's attitudes and societal nuances (not sure if those are the right words but I am declaring them right as of now).  To get anything, even the simplest thing done takes herculean effort and patience and those of you who know me well know that I tend to be a bit short in the patience area.  I would like to say that I am getting better day by day but alas, that would be a big, fat lie.  I was warned before I even made the permanent move.  My dear friend Tabitha, an otherwise mild mannered Brit, told me stories of temper tantrums and name calling (by her), things she has never done as an adult, but has been driven to in India.  There are days that I think if I see one more head bobble I will scream - because it doesn't take long to recognise that it means "I hear you and I see your lips moving and I don't care."

Yes, friends, India is trying to kill me, a fact that my sweet friend, Shani, pointed out to me last night. Evidence #1:  as I mentioned earlier, we went to Goa for Thanksgiving.  The beach was lovely and the hotel itself was lovely.  The food in the hotel however, was horrible, and I came back with a stow away in the form of an intestinal parasite.  1st visit to Indian doctor (who, by the way, was wonderful).   Evidence #2:  Not long after returning from our Christmas in the states, I was walking to my friend's apartment for a late afternoon/early evening glass of wine.  I was clobbered by a motorized rickshaw.  My friends, this wasn't nearly as funny as it sounds.  It hurt - a lot.  My legs flew out from under me, I bounced on my tailbone and pitched backward to pong my head off the pavement.  2nd visit to Indian doctor, MRI, x-rays, CT scan.  Nothing permanently injured, bruised tailbone and painful muscle spasms.  The best part of all this is that, as I was laying in the street (the rickshaw drove off), I turned my head to the left and noticed that I had missed, by about an inch, landing in a huge, fresh pile of "fruit of the colon."  (Joel coined that phrase because we got tired of  saying dog poop, cow poop, human poop)  He is going to have that phrase copyrighted (or whatever you do) so no one else can ever take credit for it.  Evidence #3   The air here is horribly dirty.  The air in Delhi, was worse.  Because of the dirty air, I am now recuperating from bronchiti, sinus infection, pneumonia, and pulled intercostal muscles from coughing so long and so hard.  3rd trip to Indian doctor, antibiotics, anti inflammatories, cough medine, and something I am forgetting.  The doctor's parting words to me: "India is a very dirty country.  You must mind your hygiene while you are here."   Truer words were never spoken.  One more thing......four rickshaws refused to take me home from the doctor.  They were waiting for "bigger fares."  This happends frequently here.  I was not amused.

Lest you think I spend ALL my time bitching and moaning (although, I will admit to some), let me tell you about the good things.  I have learned to play Mahjong and play every Monday with a really fun group of women.  I have friends from all over the world!  We had a wonderful time with Meg and Dan on our trip!  Joel's job is going well.  I have learned to properly wash and decontaminate our fruits and veg so I don't inadvertently kill us. 

Things I am so, so thankful for:  my family and friends who love me and who I love dearly, a husband who just nods and smiles and knows that "this too shall pass", great friends here who are in the same boat, and airplanes that can take me home!

So, back with a vengence.  Next time I will try to be a bit more upbeat but be warned, no one has ever accused me of being "perky"!    I will continue blogging - maybe it will make me look around and find something good to say ;)

Love to all!