Sunday 3 March 2013

By Popular Demand.......

March 3, 2013,

Yes, I am back by popular demand.  I had a good reason to stop blogging.....the honeymoon is over and I don't have a lot of perky and upbeat things to say about India at this point. I believe India is trying to kill me.  More on that later.

A lot has happened since my last blog in November.  We went to Goa for Thanksgiving, had a wonderful Christmas in the states with Meredith, Mike, and Michael and other family and wonderful friends, and have just said good-bye to Meg and Dan, who we met in Delhi for a "Triangle Tour" of Agra, Jaipur, and Delhi.  It's been busy!  The temp is rising more and more every day and monsoon season will soon be upon us.  I will try to put some pics of our trip on here at some point!

India is...............a very difficult place to live.  It's more than just the climate differences, it's attitudes and societal nuances (not sure if those are the right words but I am declaring them right as of now).  To get anything, even the simplest thing done takes herculean effort and patience and those of you who know me well know that I tend to be a bit short in the patience area.  I would like to say that I am getting better day by day but alas, that would be a big, fat lie.  I was warned before I even made the permanent move.  My dear friend Tabitha, an otherwise mild mannered Brit, told me stories of temper tantrums and name calling (by her), things she has never done as an adult, but has been driven to in India.  There are days that I think if I see one more head bobble I will scream - because it doesn't take long to recognise that it means "I hear you and I see your lips moving and I don't care."

Yes, friends, India is trying to kill me, a fact that my sweet friend, Shani, pointed out to me last night. Evidence #1:  as I mentioned earlier, we went to Goa for Thanksgiving.  The beach was lovely and the hotel itself was lovely.  The food in the hotel however, was horrible, and I came back with a stow away in the form of an intestinal parasite.  1st visit to Indian doctor (who, by the way, was wonderful).   Evidence #2:  Not long after returning from our Christmas in the states, I was walking to my friend's apartment for a late afternoon/early evening glass of wine.  I was clobbered by a motorized rickshaw.  My friends, this wasn't nearly as funny as it sounds.  It hurt - a lot.  My legs flew out from under me, I bounced on my tailbone and pitched backward to pong my head off the pavement.  2nd visit to Indian doctor, MRI, x-rays, CT scan.  Nothing permanently injured, bruised tailbone and painful muscle spasms.  The best part of all this is that, as I was laying in the street (the rickshaw drove off), I turned my head to the left and noticed that I had missed, by about an inch, landing in a huge, fresh pile of "fruit of the colon."  (Joel coined that phrase because we got tired of  saying dog poop, cow poop, human poop)  He is going to have that phrase copyrighted (or whatever you do) so no one else can ever take credit for it.  Evidence #3   The air here is horribly dirty.  The air in Delhi, was worse.  Because of the dirty air, I am now recuperating from bronchiti, sinus infection, pneumonia, and pulled intercostal muscles from coughing so long and so hard.  3rd trip to Indian doctor, antibiotics, anti inflammatories, cough medine, and something I am forgetting.  The doctor's parting words to me: "India is a very dirty country.  You must mind your hygiene while you are here."   Truer words were never spoken.  One more thing......four rickshaws refused to take me home from the doctor.  They were waiting for "bigger fares."  This happends frequently here.  I was not amused.

Lest you think I spend ALL my time bitching and moaning (although, I will admit to some), let me tell you about the good things.  I have learned to play Mahjong and play every Monday with a really fun group of women.  I have friends from all over the world!  We had a wonderful time with Meg and Dan on our trip!  Joel's job is going well.  I have learned to properly wash and decontaminate our fruits and veg so I don't inadvertently kill us. 

Things I am so, so thankful for:  my family and friends who love me and who I love dearly, a husband who just nods and smiles and knows that "this too shall pass", great friends here who are in the same boat, and airplanes that can take me home!

So, back with a vengence.  Next time I will try to be a bit more upbeat but be warned, no one has ever accused me of being "perky"!    I will continue blogging - maybe it will make me look around and find something good to say ;)

Love to all!

Tuesday 13 November 2012

The Transformation is Complete

November 13, 2012

Hello Sports fans!  Go Huskers and EMAW!  The Chiefs still stink so I don't care about them. 

We are in the middle of celebrating Diwali - the Festival of Lights!  On this holiday we burn diyas (candles or lights) and our houses get a complete cleaning so Lakshmi (the Goddess of Wisdom) will come to visit.   Apparently she doesn't like dirty houses.  Who knew but that explains why I haven't seen her around :)

Our complext (living community) had a Diwali party on Saturday night.  We had a parade of brides representing all the states of India, a talent show, which was put on by all the kids (some of them are amazing) and dinner.  It was great fun!  Joel even traded in  his steel toed shoes and nerd pack for some festive Diwali clothes!

Not to be outdone, I, too, donned local finery for the party.  Note:  These clothes make me look like I weigh 300 lbs. I DON'T WEIGH 300 LBS!!!!  It's just the clothes - I SWEAR!

Our apartment complex was lit up like the proverbial Christmas tree.  Our local mall, R City, was also decorated! 

Our Diwali celebrations culminated last night with dinner at our friends home.  The best part of Diwali, as far as I'm concerned, are the fireworks.  Imagine if on the 4th of July, every family in your state purchased a bunch of fireworks and then set them off all at once!  It was beautiful and very, very loud.  I'm sure cilia death occured.  It was just amazing - booms and colors and pops - all at once and for 3 straight hours.  And then, it was like there was an agreed upon stopping hour, all the noise stopped.  Pretty cool.  Walking home from our friend's house the air was pretty awful :)   Diwali is the last holiday of the season - everyone is pretty sad about that.  The next one isn't until March so we have a while to wait.

Our next adventure will be next week when Joel and I go to Goa for Thanksgiving.  We will leave on Thanksgiving evening and come back on Sunday night.  Look Goa up on Google and you will find a paradise!  I am very excited to sit on the beach and have someone bring me drinks..........oh wait.......that's not much different from what I do on a regular basis :)

I hope eveyone is well and happy.  Happy Thanksgiving to everyone!  Eat lots of turkey and stuffing ( I will miss that) and it won't be long before I can see lots of you at Christmas!

Love and Happy New Year (Indian),

Sunday 21 October 2012

Happy Navaratri!

October 21, 2012

It's been a long time since my last blog.  Life has become very "normal" for me here, very much like life in the U.S.   I am meeting more and more new people.  This week I had lunch with a woman from Kansas!  Her husband works for Black and Veatch, a company that Joel used to work for, and they lived in Leawood.   Always nice to meet another Kansas girl!

The Ganesh festival is over and now we are in the midst of Navaratri.  Navaratri (Nava means 9 and ratri means nights), is the celebration of the feminine devine, specifically Durga, Lakshmi and Saraswati.  I know you have all seen statues or pictures of Durga - she is depicted as the multi-armed goddess with one leg in the air and carrying several weapons.  My kinda girl :)  She is know as invincible and the Mother Goddess.  Lakshmi is the goddess of wealth and prosperity (both material and spiritual) and she is the embodiement of beauty.  And last but not least, Saraswati, who is the goddess of knowledge, music, arts and sciences and it is said that with her knowledge Brahma created the universe.........proving once again (or maybe for the first time) that behind every great man is a great woman :)

If you have been paying attention, Navaratri is a 9 night festival celebrated by a specific type of dance called "garba."  Garba is performed around an image of Durga.  One of the dances of Navaratri is Dandiya, which is a folk type dance using special sticks.  There is a point to all this explanation.....last night, Joel and I attended a Dandiya festival organized by the Hindi Society in our building.  Joel is the photog in these pics and I, well, reason I love India is that there are so many festivals and the Indians are very warm and welcoming in allowing untalented white people to participate.  In other words, gotta love people who let you dance :) 

My friend, Anita, and I in our Dandiya garb.

Above -  dancing with the Dandiya sticks.  The sticks are struck, much like rhythm sticks from kindergarten.  There are various patterns to perform with a partner or in groups.

One of the younger participants in traditional clothes

Anita teaching me a Dandiya pattern

People who know what they are doing :)

The outside lobby of our building


My very own Dandiya Sticks

So, that was how we spent our Saturday night.  Very, very fun and such a treat to be included in the festivities.  The Indian people are very warm and friendly!  The next big holiday is Diwali, the "Festival of Lights."  Diwali involves the lighting of oil in small clay lamps to signifiy the triumph of good over evil.  The lamps are kept on all night and the house is cleaned to make it ready for Lakshmi.  Firecrackers are used to drive away evil and new clothes are worn and sweets are eaten and shared with friends.  We're looking forward to this holiday!

For Thanksgiving, Joel and I are going to Goa, which is an area of India originially settled by the Portugese.  It's a lovely resort - the northern part of Goa was a great hippy destination and the southern part is wonderful palm trees and beautiful beaches.  We're going to the south.  Can't wait!!!

That's about it I think.  A big thank you to all of you who have kept in touch through Skype, email, Whatsapp, and phone calls.  I missed my son's debut on the Wichita State stage and I'm pretty sad over that but I know he's going to be so famous one of these days that I'm going to have to pick and choose what to attend!  Time is flying - I can't believe it is the end of October already.  Christmas will be here before we know it!  We have a VRBO (vacation rental by owner) on the Plaza reserved for us for two weeks in December and we are really looking forward to seeing all of our family and friends.

Take care everyone!  I'll try to post more often!

Love, Beth

Friday 21 September 2012

I Miss My Boy!

September 21st

Big Mom Moment:  Our Indian friends, Anita and Arun have their college age son living with them.  Anita was showing me around her apartment, opened the son's room and said "this is our son's room."  I stepped in and took a breath and started crying........not just crying..........CRYING!!!! 

Poor Anita.

She asked me what was wrong and I told her...

"It smells just like BOY!"

I miss you, Boy!

Thursday 20 September 2012

Visiting Ganesha

September 20, 2012

Just a short note today to add to my previous post about Ganesha.  I spent the afternoon "visiting" with my Hindu friend.  This is the way you spend this holiday - going from house to house, paying tribute to each and every Ganesha, putting a bit of money on the altar for the priest, and being offered teas and sweets.  What a GREAT holiday!!!   I couldn't tell you everything I consumed this afternoon......a mung dal fermented in salt ghee, samosas, candies, chikki, vada (that might have been the name of the fermented dal) many names and all so strange to  my ears and taste buds.   I can honestly say, however, that everything was wonderful!  I cleaned my plate at each and every house (my mamma would have been proud)! 

Right now it is about 6:30 pm, and the first of the worshippers are lining up, getting ready to submerge their Ganesha so he can go home.  Outside the air is filled with chanting, the Moslem call to prayer, drummers, revelers, and fire works.  Add to that mix horns honking, dogs barking, and one very unhappy Cockatiel that lives next door and it's totally overwhelming but in an "I can't believe I am in India and get to participate in this" kind of way. 

In one of the homes I visited the husband is a public official (he was introduced as a republican......I spoke to him anyway) LOL  We were discussing the pros and cons of Wal-Mart and IKEA coming to India, as well as Costco and possibly Target.
He asked me what I thought......and you know me, I might have unloaded a bit..........but he ASKED me!  As you can imagine, there are many, many people (shop owners) who are very upset by the decision to open trade like this and invite these stores into the country.  I've been told that the governmenet is not going to change it's mind. 

Okie dokie.  Enough about Ganesha. I promise - no more Ganesha until the 29th, when my friend submerges her Ganesha and has invited us to come along. 

My laundry is just about done for the day (doesn't matter where you are, you still have to do laundry).  Joel is working a bit late so we will have a grilled cheese/tomato soup supper.  Yes, we have Campbell's Tomato Soup!

Take care and love to all,

Wednesday 19 September 2012

Adventures in a Jain Temple

One Saturday, Joel and I wandered into a Jain Temple.  Wow!  We were so surprised at how open and friendly they were and how welcoming!  In the center of the main room there were women playing drums and cymbols and singing.  They saw us standing in the entry to the main area and motioned us in.  We were given our own private tour of the temple and shown all the gods and goddesses.  We were even allowed to take pictures!  Take a look:

Some interesting facts about Jains:  Jains believe in self-restraint and astheticism.  Jains are vegan, in fact, some Jains wear clothes covering their nose and mouth so they won't accidently inhale bugs and Jains won't eat root vegetables because insects might have been harmed by the harvesting of the vegetables.  As we were leaving the temple, the Guru for the temple came in and asked to speak with us.  He was a lovely man......and ok, dumb American thing to say, but you know the Indiana Jones movie that is set in India?  Remember when the old man with the white hair is telling the story of how the children were taken in the night?  The Guru looked EXACTLY like that!  He spends his time traveling Europe and India and his biggest concern is the problem with malnutrition in India.  We spent about 20 minutes speaking with him - we exchanged phone numbers and maybe we'll see him again one day.  What an experience!!!

Fast forward to today - September 19th.  I was very honored to be invited to the home of my Hindu friend for the first day of the Ganesha Chaturthi festival.  On this day, Ganesha is welcomed into the home as an honored guest.  He is set on an altar decorated with Marigolds (red and gold) and for the next ten days sweets, water, and fresh flowers are provided for him.  The Ganesha that is welcomed into the home is one that your family has made of clay and painted with red and gold paint.  Ganesha is the Lord of New Beginnings, the Remover of Obstacles, and the God of Prosperity and Success.  You wouldn't leave an honored guest alone in your home and so it is with Ganesha - a member of the family has to remain home with him for the ten days.  Because of this, my friend says even though you are "supposed" to keep him happy for ten days, some people get tired of him and take him off the altar. (I guess what Benjamin Franklin said about company and fish pertains to Hindu Gods, too). 

So on this first day of the festival, you invite a priest into your home to perform a puja (ceremony).  There was much chanting and annointing with water.  We expressed gratitude for the gifts of the previous year and asked for blessings for the new one.  The priest wove red and gold threads around all of our wrists (individually) and tied them - as a blessing -  and we were all marked with a third eye for wisdom. 

On the last day of the festival, which will be September 29th, all the Ganesha statues will be put into the water which signifies his return to his home.  We have been invited to participate in that, too, so more pics to come.

The mood around Powai is unbelievable.  Constant drumming, chanting, fireworks, and parades.  If you are lucky (and I was) you catch a glimpse of a huge Ganesha statue being moved into position.  There are young men in red dancing in the streets  - it's a huge party.  This is especially true in Maharashtra, the state that Mumbia is in.  Ganesha is their special deity, in fact, in Northern India, Ganesha Chaturthi isn't celebrated. 

The following pictures are of my friends Ganesha altar as well as the big Ganesha I caught sight of this afternoon.

That's all for now.  I hope you enjoy the pictures - this is quite an experience and every day something new happens.  Thanks for reading and I love and miss all of you!


Friday 7 September 2012

September 7, 2012

Hello Readers!

We've just about finished shopping for our new apartment.  Our move in date is this coming Monday, September 10th.  I am VERY excited to be out of this hotel and to be able to cook my own food.  Check back in a month to see if I am still excited about that :)  Joel and I discovered that spending someone else's money isn't nearly as much fun as you might think.   Our lovely landlord, Mr. Arora and his wife, Namita, took us shopping and left us to our own devices.  The only thing they said was "get what you want and need."  All of a sudden we were paralyzed!  Should we buy this?  How much is it?  Is that too much?  Are we being greedy?  Phew!  We now have brand new kitchen stuff (cookware, cutlery, plates, glasses, bakeware) and a new mattress AND a new toaster, juicer, blender, 32" flat screen tv and DVD player.  You know, I've always thought that the time for a wedding shower is after you've been married for about 10 years - you know, when all but one glass has been broken, your children have used all your teaspoons for digging in the dirt, and you could hang yourself on the bath towels because the trim has come unraveled.  This was sort of like a lovely wedding shower!  Yay me!

I went to my first book discussion group on Wednesday morning.  Very nice ladies and a very good discussion.  The book for the month was "Shanteram", which I read years ago and remember nothing of, but it was a good discussion and they seem like a very welcoming group.  I met a wonderful woman, Anita, who is a NRI (non-resident Indian).  She was born and raised in Delhi and left with her family when she was 19.  She has lived in Minnesota for 25 years so when she talked she truly sounded like she is from Minne SOTAH!  Hah!  It made me laugh!  We've hit it off right away and I expect I'll be spending lots of time with her.  It's very difficult for NRI's here because they look Indian and the natives expect them to speak Hindi with the proper inflections and tones.  Anita can speak Hindi, but she has lost the accent.  She is just as lost as I am!  It's very difficult for her, though, because she knows she "looks" Indian, but she is am American on the inside!  Very interesting.

At my book group, we went around the table and said our names and how long we've been in Powai.  I noticed several women say they "shifted" here 6 months ago.  "Shifted?"  Does that mean the same thing as "moved?"  Well, yes, sort of, and after lunch today with my other new friends Tabitha and Suzanne, I've discovered that the word "moved" really doesn't even describe what happens when you come here.  You don't just move your physical body or your belongings, you actually have to "shift" your thinking, your emotions, your philosphys.....all those things that make up who you are.  You see, things don't work the same way here as they do "back home", and the sooner you figure that out, the better off you will be.  Ask a simple question here and after a 15 minute discussion you realize you still don't have the answer.   The answer to any yes/no question is always yes, even though it might really be totally the opposite.  There are no lines, no waiting your turn, no polite "I'm sorry" or "excuse me."  Tabitha, who is a very sweet, polite, mild mannered Brit, confessed today to shreiking at her driver to get him to do what she asked.  I gather this is a common occurance.  People who are not normally violent can be driven to it here (see my previous post about stabbing the next waiter who takes my plate.)  It's the shift, not the move, that gets you!

We have a cocktail party tonight and happily it is in our hotel so I won't have too far to stagger home :)  Cocktail parties occur the first friday of every month.  Most people, especially those with children, leave during the monsoons so this will be the first one of the season.  Very exciting!  Before I move into my apartment on Monday I have a coffee to go to....I'm just a little socialite here :)

Not much else to report right now.  A couple of weeks ago, Joel and I went into a Jain temple and that was the most amazing experience!  When I figure out how to put pictures on this I will elaborate.  It was truly a "once-in-a-lifetime" thing!   September 19th starts the Genisha festival and I'll have much more to say about that.   We are tentatively planning a trip to Jaipur in January for their literary festival.  Jaipur is known as the pink city.

I hope you are all happy, healthy, and well fed.  I miss you all very much and wish you could all be here with us!!! 

Until next time,