Saturday 1 September 2012

Corn is NOT for pizza!

September 1, 2012


Who in the world decided that corn belonged on pizza?  Can I blame the Brits?  Seriously, CORN?  And while we are at it, catsup is NOT the same as pizza sauce.   Corn and catsup pizza.  It's just disgusting!

Today we went to the R City Mall, which always reminds me of Raccoon City, and we will see who among you gets the movie reference :)  It is a 4 story, very modern mall that even has an ice skating rink.  It really is quite amazing and a good way to spend a Saturday.  We ate at TGI Fridays - yes, the same chain as in the states.  It's mostly the same, except for some "odd" items on the menu like a "deep fried cottage cheese chimichanga with verde sauce."  And corn.  Corn is in everything.  I just do NOT understand the fascination with corn, and it's not the little niblet kind of corn.  It looks like feed corn to me.  Gah!  The Bloody Marys were very good, though.  Next to the amazing mall is a huge slum area.  There are no "good" areas in Mumbai.  There are "good" stores and then slums right next door.  People in the states really have no idea what poor is.  The filth is impossible to describe and I don't think anyone would believe me if I tried.  It's absolute squalor like I've never seen and it's hard to look at.  Slum Dog Millionaire prettied things up.  On the way home I saw a little girl, probably about six, naked from the waist down, squatting and pooping on the edge of the road.  Yeah, it's like that.

On a brighter note, we found a wonderful grocery store very close to our new apartment!  It's called "Nature's Basket" and it has "international foods."  There are two other grocerys close to the hotel.  Both stores could fit inside one of our 7-11's.  The Haiko (pronounced High-Coe) isn't too bad - basic stuff if you are preparing an Indian meal but you would be hard pressed to buy the fixings for an american meal.  The other store, The D Mart, has bugs crawling all over the shelves.  I am so very happy that we discovered Nature's Basket, which has everything an American could possibly want, including an amazing wine selection!  Down the block a bit, we found a bakery............SCORE!!!!  

We start shopping on Monday for our new apartment so I'm sure I'll have some stories to tell for my next blog.  I hope everyone is doing well!  Thanks to everyone who e-mails me and to all of you who play Words with Friends.  It may seem like a small thing but it makes me feel very connected!


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